consignment items
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We offer a private, personal and hassle-free consignment experience.
Submit your item (s):
- Fill out online application
- Complete consignment contract and return
- Upload your items and photos
Sale items typically include but are not limited to the following:
- Antique furniture, sculpture, art
- Fine and rare books, every day books, magazines
- Better art and jewelry, costume jewlery, silver, gold
- Antique toys, retro and modern collectibles
- Vintage items, linens, clothing, ckitchenwares, housewares
- Sporting items, sewing items, office equipment, garage items
- Home furnishings, appliances, televisions, stereos, computers, garden tools, plants
- Hand tools, machine tools, construction equipment, and materials.
- Cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, airplanes and yachts
View Consignment Agreement
To get started, call
(727) 252-6271
or email us
your questions.